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Reflection | Thursday in the Fourth Week of Lent

By now you may already have developed some new spiritual practices in this time of self-isolation. In case not, here are some suggestions...

Posted by The Rev. Caroline Stacey on March 26, 2020

Hello everyone – I hope that you are staying safe and well.

By now you may already have developed some new spiritual practices in this time of self-isolation. In case not, here are some suggestions:

While washing your hands, pray:

  • The Lord’s Prayer, the Twenty-Third Psalm (Book of Common Prayer, BCP p476), and the Prayer of St. Francis (BCP p833) will center your spirit.
  • The Book of Common Prayer includes a treasure trove of prayers for all circumstances which are rarely heard in public worship (BCP p810ff). This time can be an opportunity to explore them.
  • Say the Daily Office: Morning and Evening Prayer, Noonday and Compline. For the time- pressed, there are brief daily devotions (BCP 137 ff)
  • Find your favorite hymns on YouTube and join in. Try memorizing the texts; reflect on them as you do chores.

For children:

Bedtime prayers are calming for young children and provide an opportunity for parents to hear their child’s fears and sadnesses. Sometimes people have asked me for a simple prayer which parents can lead, and children join in with and add to. Here’s one:

Gentle Jesus, kind and mild
Look upon this little child
Love him and bless him and care for him always.
God bless…

[here the child adds in the names of family, pets, friends dear to them]

Parent and child continue together:
…and all those people that we love.
For Jesus’ sake

This comes with my love and prayers for you all,
Mother Caroline Stacey

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