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Sunday School

Posted July 25, 2023

Ministries for Children at St. Luke's

Almighty God, heavenly Father, you have blessed us with the joy and care of children: Give us calm strength and patient wisdom as we bring them up, that we may teach them to love whatever is just and true and good, following the example of our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.  

- A Prayer for the Care of Children, The Book of Common Prayer

Sunday School | Sundays at 10:20am

Sunday School is offered to children of the parish in Pre-K - 6th grade during the academic year at 10:20 on Sundays. Classes are offered in age-appropriate settings to provide children the opportunity to grow in faith by exploring Scripture, learning about prayer and worship, and enjoying fellowship with one another.

Location: Auditorium
This class is for our youngest Sunday School members - ages 3 and 4.

Grades 1 - 4. Location: Auditorium
The lessons of Godly Play are diverse and include topics ranging from Old Testament stories, Gospel Parables, Liturgical themes such as Baptism and Eucharist, as well as lessons about People of Color who inspire, and the Church today. Each story is paired with unique materials or manipulatives to assist in the work of story-telling and active wondering.

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