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Children & Families

Matthew 19:14

Let the little children come to me: do not hinder them. To such belongs the Kingdom of God.

At St. Luke's, we delight in offering opportunities for children, teenagers and families to experience the joy, challenge, and beauty of Christian faith in their own spiritual lives. Formation and fellowship is available for children and youth of all ages. Families are encouraged to attend any worship services that meet their spiritual needs.

Featured Events for Children & Families

Programs we Offer for Children and Families

Volunteer or Donate to help enrich our Sunday School program

Volunter as Lead Story-teller

This is the person who leads the lesson by telling the story using the materials provided. Story-tellers will be coached by clergy to prepare for this ministry for the first time.

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Volunteer as a Doorkeeper/Circle Chaperone

This person welcomes children into the space and helps them get ready to participate in the lesson of the day. If you’re thinking about volunteering with Sunday School this is a great way to start!

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Donate a Lesson

Consider supporting the work of our Sunday School with a gift that will last a lifetime. A donation to gift a lesson will help us expand our curriculum and provide enrichment opportunities for Sunday School children. Please contact Mo. Victoria for more information.

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