Gifting and StewardshipDonate Here


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Stewardship at St. Luke's

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace. 1 Peter 4:10

For so many, St. Luke’s isn’t just a parish – it’s home. Whatever it is that you love about St. Luke’s- whether it’s our transformative liturgy and music, parish-wide celebrations, intimate small group events or beautiful gardens – it is possible because of our members and friends. Your support is what makes St. Luke’s a beacon of inclusivity and sanctuary in an ever-changing urban setting. As we look to preserve and expand our ministries, we ask that you consider becoming a member, or renewing your membership by making a pledge. We welcome any donation that you are able to give, be it time, talent or treasure.

Pledge for the 2025 Campaign   Donate to St. Luke's  Set up Recurring Gifts

What’s the Difference Between Pledging and Giving?


When you make a pledge, you let St. Luke’s know what you plan to give for the coming year. This helps us as we budget for the next fiscal year. For this reason, pledge contributions are earmarked for mission and our operating budget. Once you have notified us of your intention to pledge, you can set up pledge contributions on our website, you can mail your check to our Business Office, or hand it in via the offering plate during mass. 

Gifting and Giving

Giving is a general term used for any donation to St. Luke’s. This includes donations for specific ministries, like Outreach, the Concert Series, or the Gardens. It also includes non-specific donations that can be applied as they are needed, as well as non-monetary gifts and legacy giving. These can be one-time or recurring gifts. We rely on and are grateful for all gifts to St. Luke’s, but as we cannot necessarily know when these gifts will be received, they cannot be considered pledge contributions.  

What Do Our Members Say About Stewardship?

Be A Friend of St. Luke's

You don't have to be a Member to give to St. Luke's, be a Friend!

Friends of St. Luke’s are neighbors and others who want to support the work on the block, in the City and in the world. Friends are people of a variety of religious traditions, expressions, or of no religious faith who feel moved to support our various programs, including the Gardens, Outreach, and Concert Series.

Make A One-Time Gift

Rector's Discretionary Fund

The pandemic continues to affect our community spiritually, physically, and financially. The Rector's Discretionary Fund is used to help support families and individuals on an as-need basis. Help us support one another during this trying time.

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