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Adult Education: Fall Series 2021

Adult Education Online

Foundations of Faith


“… until all of us come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to maturity, to the measure of the full stature of Christ.” Eph 4:13


There are terms and concepts which we hear so often from the pulpit and in common worship that we take their meaning for granted. So often, the foundational building blocks of our faith are obscured in our minds by hazy and general definitions. Confirmation classes and Inquirer’s courses are tasked with covering so much ground that deep engagement is difficult. 


This fall, Adult Ed is going back to the basics to explore the very foundations of our faith. We’ll be asking a series of questions and challenging default assumptions as we seek to become serious disciples of a serious faith. These questions will seek to move us beyond baseline assumptions into mature engagement. 


Join us as we ask:

Who is God?  with The Rev Dr Andrew McGowan

September 20, 2021 7:00 pm on Zoom. More information will be posted soon.

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Adult Ed. Fall Schedule:

September 20: “Who is God?” with The Rev Dr Andrew McGowan


September 27: “What is Creation?” with The Rev Canon Dr Kara Slade


October 11: “Who are We?” with The Rev Stephen Morris


October 18: “What is Sin?” with VK McCarty


November 1: “What is Salvation?” with The Rev Bo Reynolds


November 8: “What is the Bible?” with Dr Jeremy Hultin (note: begins at 8 pm)


December 6: “What is the Church?” with The Rev Caroline Stacey



Join us Monday nights by Zoom. All classes will begin at 7 pm, with the exception of November 8th. Email Fr Bo Reynolds with any questions or to receive the zoom link.

St. Luke's encourages our members and friends on this journey and offers educational opportunities through our Adult Education program, each September through May. This includes (but is not limited to) Bible study, book study, lectures, and workshops. Our Adult Education courses offer lively and challenging discussions in a small group setting, with inspiring and stimulating guest speakers who are experts in their fields.

Recent series include an in-depth examination of the Reformation and Anglicanism, exploration of the sacred texts of Islam and the Qur'an, the Book of John, Women in the Bible, and the Psalter (Book of Psalms).

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Event Coordinator Fr. Bo Reynolds

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