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Shrove Tuesday

Shrove Tuesday | March 4

We will gather in front of the church at 6pm to burn last year's ashes, then continue with Mass in the church. All are welcome to join us and bring your palms for burning. 

Pancake Supper | March 4

Join us in the School Dining Room at 7pm for our Shrove Tuesday feast! This year the Pancake Supper is sponsored by Parish Life and Children Youth and Families. Activities will be available for all ages, and we welcome volunteers to help prep and cook food. We also welcome all desserts, be they storebought or homemade. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Fr. Ancona. 

Services During Lent

Ash Wednesday | February 14
In person services will be held at 7:30 am, 12:00 pm and 6:30 pm.

Join us online for the 6:30 pm service, live streamed here on our website, Facebook and YouTube Channels.

Stations of the Cross

Fridays in Lent during the Noonday  Mass. A meditative video is also available here

Contemplative Prayer Services and Events

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