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A Message From the Rector

Posted July 07, 2023

Dear Members and Friends of St. Luke’s,

I write to share with you that after Sunday September 10, 2023 we will no longer offer a service of Holy Eucharist Rite 1 at 8am on Sunday mornings. This decision has been made after many years of prayerful consideration and observation of spiritual and pastoral needs. Although minor increases and decreases in attendance have occurred over the past 20 plus years, the 8am service has been very lightly attended. When the 1979 Book of Common Prayer (BCP) was authorized for use by the General Convention of the Episcopal Church, many parishes retained the use of a traditional Rite 1 language option because it served as a liturgical and pastoral bridge between the 1928 BCP and the new prayer book. There was a demographic of parishioners for whom the Rite 1 Elizabethan English was the language of their piety and devotion since childhood and it was pastorally essential to preserve a Rite 1 option.

Personally, I have a deep respect for the theological emphasis and liturgical elegance of Rite 1 language. However, with the passage of time the spiritual need for the Rite 1 Eucharist is greatly reduced. The clergy team believes that our energy on a Sunday morning is best devoted to the two services at 9:15am and 11:15am during the program year, and the coffee hours and other ministries on Sundays. We will continue the 8am service through this summer, and again, the last 8am Holy Eucharist Rite 1 will be offered on Sunday September 10. We recognize that there may be some who are deeply saddened by this decision, and we are truly sorry for any loss felt.  We hope that you will meet and talk with us if this is the case. Your clergy are always glad to meet with you.

With love and prayers,
Mother Caroline Stacey

We look forward to welcoming the Rev. Isabel Geller as our new School Chaplain. Many will remember that Mother Geller served as our seminarian during Covid, and she comes to us now as a priest from the Diocese of Massachusetts. Mother Geller’s work as the new school chaplain will be primarily devoted to the spiritual care of St. Luke’s School. She will also be present on Sunday mornings to assist with Children, Youth, and Family programming. We are excited for Mother Geller’s leadership and ministry among us as we get ready for another program year and hope you will greet her when you see her on the block! 

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