Children Youth and Families in Worship
Children Youth and Families in Worship
We receive you into the household of God. Confess the faith of Christ crucified, proclaim his resurrection, and share with us in his eternal priesthood.
- Liturgy for Holy Baptism, The Book of Common Prayer
Families with children of all ages are welcome at all worship services at St. Luke’s. We encourage you to join us each Sunday and throughout the week. Please contact the Parish Office for more information about the following ministries:
Ushers are important lay ministers who welcome visitors and parishioners alike into the Church during worship. We welcome teens, and family groups to serve as ushers during Mass! Training is provided through the Usher’s Guild.
We welcome the voices of all members to assist us in the proclamation of the Holy Scriptures. Children in Grade 4 and up are invited to read a lesson at Mass. Training is provided through the Lector’s Guild.
Does your child enjoy music? St. Luke’s offers a program for Choristers to children of the parish and St. Luke’s School in grades 3-8. Auditions for the Chorister program are held by the Director of Music in December for children in Grade 3 and 4, and on a rolling basis for all others.
Children and Youth are invited to serve as acolytes in worship! Training is offered, and service as a child or youth acolyte will begin with the 9:15 Mass on Sundays.
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