
Novena to the Holy Spirit
A Novena is a devotional prayer practice that spans the nine days from Ascension Day to The Day of Pentecost. These daily prayers help to focus the mind, and prepare the us to receive the message of the Holy Spirit.
Day 1: Giver of Life
Come O Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle them with the fire of your love. Take my soul and make it your dwelling place. Illumine my mind that I may see the wonders of your Law. Inflame my heart with the pureness of your love. Strengthen my will, and aid me in the virtues of Heaven. Descend O Spirit, and all shall be made new, for you renew the face of the Earth.
Come, O Holy Spirit, the Lord and Life-giver; be my guide in perplexity, defend me from error and lead me into all truth; grant that I may know and do what is right and be in me a fountain of living water springing up to everlasting life. Amen.
Day 2: Spirit of Wisdom
Come O Spirit of Wisdom, fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle them with the fire of your love. Take my soul and make it your dwelling place. Illumine my mind that I may see the wonders of your Law. Inflame my heart with the pureness of your love. Strengthen my will, and aid me in the virtues of Heaven. Descend O Spirit, and all shall be made new, for you renew the face of the Earth.
Come, O Holy Spirit, and help me to know God revealed in the Word made Flesh, the promise of grace and the hope of glory. Amen.
Day 3: Spirit of Understanding
Come O Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle them with the fire of your love. Take my soul and make it your dwelling place. Illumine my mind that I may see the wonders of your Law. Inflame my heart with the pureness of your love. Strengthen my will, and aid me in the virtues of Heaven. Descend O Spirit, and all shall be made new, for you renew the face of the Earth.
Come, O Spirit of Understanding, and enlighten my mind, that I may know myself and recognize God's call to me in my daily life and work. Amen.
Day 4: Spirit of Counsel
Come O Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle them with the fire of your love. Take my soul and make it your dwelling place. Illumine my mind that I may see the wonders of your Law. Inflame my heart with the pureness of your love. Strengthen my will, and aid me in the virtues of Heaven. Descend O Spirit, and all shall be made new, for you renew the face of the Earth.
Come, O Spirit of Counsel, help and guide me in the right pathways, turn me away from evil, and direct me by the path of your commandments in the hope of life everlasting. Amen.
Day 5: Spirit of Fortitude
Come O Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle them with the fire of your love. Take my soul and make it your dwelling place. Illumine my mind that I may see the wonders of your Law. Inflame my heart with the pureness of your love. Strengthen my will, and aid me in the virtues of Heaven. Descend O Spirit, and all shall be made new, for you renew the face of the Earth.
Come, O Spirit of Fortitude, give me courage and determination, that in all distress and uncertainty, I may with a calm and confident spirit remain strong in faith, patient in hope, and constant in love. Amen.
Day 6: Spirit of Knowledge
Come O Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle them with the fire of your love. Take my soul and make it your dwelling place. Illumine my mind that I may see the wonders of your Law. Inflame my heart with the pureness of your love. Strengthen my will, and aid me in the virtues of Heaven. Descend O Spirit, and all shall be made new, for you renew the face of the Earth.
Come, O Spirit of Knowledge, grant that I may know and accept the will of God, that recognizing the true value of all the things of this world, I may use them rightly, and always with thanksgiving. Amen.
Day 7: Spirit of Piety
Come O Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle them with the fire of your love. Take my soul and make it your dwelling place. Illumine my mind that I may see the wonders of your Law. Inflame my heart with the pureness of your love. Strengthen my will, and aid me in the virtues of Heaven. Descend O Spirit, and all shall be made new, for you renew the face of the Earth.
Come, O Spirit of Piety, and help me to love God with all my heart and soul and strength, that I may find in you my best and truest joy. Amen.
Day 8: Spirit of Holy Fear
Come O Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle them with the fire of your love. Take my soul and make it your dwelling place. Illumine my mind that I may see the wonders of your Law. Inflame my heart with the pureness of your love. Strengthen my will, and aid me in the virtues of Heaven. Descend O Spirit, and all shall be made new, for you renew the face of the Earth.
Come, O Spirit of Holy Fear, that I may stand in awe of God, never presuming on mercy and never forgetting before whom I must account for my life, my actions, and my words. Amen.
Day 9: Spirit of Bounty
Come O Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle them with the fire of your love. Take my soul and make it your dwelling place. Illumine my mind that I may see the wonders of your Law. Inflame my heart with the pureness of your love. Strengthen my will, and aid me in the virtues of Heaven. Descend O Spirit, and all shall be made new, for you renew the face of the Earth.
Come, O Bountiful Spirit, and bring forth in my life the manifold fruits of the presence and create in me:
Love towards God and my neighbor,
Joy and wonder in all God's work,
The Peace of Christ,
Patience born of faith and hope,
Kindness that reflects God's mercy,
Generosity that uses all as God intends,
Faithfulness that is constant and reliable,
Gentleness that I may do no harm,
Self-Control that my life with conform to the mind of Christ.
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